ENS Domain Registration

Ok - full disclosure…it has taken me way too long to figure out how to register drguthals.eth for my Ethereum Address! I was trying to buy drguthals.eth and guthals.eth (for me and then the family) but I kept getting stuck.

So here is what I was doing.

  1. I’m on a Mac, all updated, using Chrome, all updated.

  2. I am logged in to Coinbase on this Chrome profile.

  3. I have my Coinbase Wallet attached to this Chrome profile via the Coinbase Wallet extension.

  4. I have my Coinbase and Coinbase Wallet apps on my iPhone that were all up to date and logged in.

  5. I transferred enough ETH to my Coinbase Wallet from my Coinbase account to cover the costs of the domain and the gas fee.

  6. Finally I’m at the place to register my domain and I click “CONNECT” to connect my Coinbase Wallet to the ENS App and…

Honestly, I couldn’t figure out what was happening! So it seemed to connect just fine with the Coinbase Wallet extension, but when I would click “Request to Register” weird things would start to happen, here were the ones I remember:

  1. I would get a notification on my phone that would open the Coinbase Wallet app if I clicked on it, but then…nothing would happen.

  2. I just wouldn’t get a notification on my phone.

  3. Nothing was happening on the Coinbase Wallet extension.

  4. I tried opening the ENS app in my Coinbase Wallet app on my phone and I still never got to the Confirmation page to start the registration process.

After trying this for literally days…on various devices…with two different phones…logging in…logging out….logging in…I finally figured it out (I think).

I mean, I have been able to successfully get the addresses I wanted, so I did figure SOMETHING out.

The Solution? SAFARI

I mean, any other browser probably. I think what was happening was that the ENS App was recognizing that it was connected to my Coinbase Wallet extension in the browser; which is useful for checking a balance and the initial connection, but NOT for actually registering the domain. So when I clicked the Request to Register button and ENS was attempting to begin the registration process, there was some kind of miscommunication between the Coinbase Wallet extension, Coinbase Wallet phone app, and ENS App. I’m not sure what the problem was, but I’m curious now and want to see if I can figure it out! (but not tonight).

Final thoughts: I also wasn’t very patient when everything did start to work using Safari and almost confirmed sending way too much ETH to the ENS App. I don’t know if it would have just sent or it would have been blocked. But I’m glad I didn’t have to find out!


After publishing this I found this blog post by Eric Conner describing ENS domains.


An Intro to Web3


Dr. G and Web3