An Intro to Web3

I found a tutorial that was an intro to Web3 written by Gregory McCubbin (there are also videos, but I haven’t watched those).

My setup:

  • MacBook Air running Monterey

  • Brand new machine with no dev tools installed

Here were my steps, this isn’t a post to explain anything (that will all come a bit later), but here is what I did in following along to Gregory’s tutorial.

  • Install Web3 (I did have to install Python also, which I was prompted to do when I ran npm install web3)

  • Next, Gregory recommends using Infura to create access the Ethereum network without having to run a node yourself. So, I made an Infura account.

  • I created a New Project on Infura, which gave me access to the Ethereum mainnet endpoint (or Infura RPC URL).

  • I then followed Gregory’s instructions for reading the balance from a specific address. There was a small typo on his tutorial, you can find the issue I made here.

I’m pretty happy with that for tonight, so I think I’m going to save the next one for tomorrow!


Continuing Intro to Web3


ENS Domain Registration